Advancing academic and corporate research
to inspire innovation

RepRisk data has been used in award-winning research

May 24, 2024

Smart disclosure: an enabler for multinationals to reduce …

Keywords: ESG, Sovereign debt, Sovereign ESG scores, Sustainability

Wang et al. (2024)
May 17, 2024

The impact of ESG profile on Firm's valuation in emerging …

Keywords: ESG, Valuation, Emerging markets

Rahat, Nguyen (2024)
May 17, 2024

Sovereign Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) …

Keywords: ESG, Sovereign debt, Sovereign ESG scores, Sustainability

Gratcheva, Gurhy (2024)
May 04, 2024

‘Take Back Control’: The implications of Brexit uncertainty …

Keywords: Brexit, Corporate accountability, ESG

Akyildirim et al. (2024)
April 19, 2024

Does environmental and social performance affect pricing …

Keywords: ESG, Earnings conference calls, Abnormal returns

DeLisle et al. (2024)
April 18, 2024

Does media coverage of firms' environment, social, and …

Keywords: Corporate social irresponsibility, Media coverage, Analyst forecast

He, Li (2024)
March 26, 2024

ESG and CEO Turnover Around the World

Keywords: CEO turnover, ESG incidents

Colak et al. (2024)
March 06, 2024

ESG reputational risk and market valuation: Evidence from …

Keywords: Reputational risk, Market valuation, Banks

Mandas et al. (2024)
February 29, 2024

Backing Away from ESG? The Effect of Sovereign Rating …

Keywords: Credit ratings, Downgrade, ESG

Boumparis et al. (2024)
February 12, 2024

Consumers’ Reaction to Corporate ESG Performance: Evidence …

Keywords: ESG, Cash flows, Consumer demand

Duan et al. (2024)
February 01, 2024

MNCs' corporate social irresponsibility and foreign …

Keywords: Corporate social irresponsibility, Foreign subsidiaries, Multinationals

Nuruzzaman et al. (2024)
January 27, 2024

The Sustainability Wage Gap

Keywords: Wage differentials, Human capital, Sustainability

Krueger et al. (2024)
January 22, 2024

Hacking Corporate Reputations

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Corporate reputation, Cyberattack

Akey et al. (2024)
January 17, 2024

Corporate pollution and reputational exposure

Keywords: Climate change, Pollution, Corporate governance, Reputational exposure

Chortareas et al. (2024)
January 03, 2024

Unravelling investors’ diverging responses to U.S. firms' …

Keywords: ESG incidents, ESG location, Market reaction

Gao et al. (2024)
January 03, 2024

Parent firm reputational risk and TMT gender diversity of …

Keywords: Reputational risk, Subsidiaries, Gender diversity

Saeed et al. (2024)
January 01, 2024

The toxic triangle of state, stake, and institution: …

Keywords: Sovereign wealth fund, Institutional ownership, Reputational risk

Farag et al. (2024)
December 06, 2023

How subsidiary and supplier misbehavior lead to corporate …

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Subsidiaries, suppliers, Multinationals

Li, Cuero-Cazurra (2023)
November 22, 2023

ESG reputation risks, cash holdings, and payout policies

Keywords: Reputation risks, Cash, Payout policy, ESG

Wong, Zhang (2023)
November 22, 2023

Does ESG reputational risk affect the efficiency and speed …

Keywords: Agency costs, Capital investment, Financial constraints, Reputational risk

Chasiotis et al. (2023)
October 12, 2023

Greenwashing: Do Investors, Markets and Boards Really Care?

Keywords: Greenwashing, ESG, Corporate social responsibility, Reputational risk

Akyildirim et al. (2023)
September 25, 2023

Do Consumers Care About ESG? Evidence from Barcode-Level …

ESG, Retail, Corporate social responsibility

Meier et al. (2023)
September 25, 2023

Climate Reputation and Bank Loan Contracting

Keywords: Bank loan pricing, Climate risk, ESG incidents, Cost of capital

Hrazdil et al. (2023)
September 09, 2023

Shareholder Value Implications of Supply Chain ESG …

Supply chain, ESG, Value creation, Cross-sectional returns, Mispricing

Lin et al. (2023)
August 23, 2023

When Do Corporate Good Deeds Become a Burden? The Role of …

ESG news, Event study, Market reaction

Kim et al. (2023)
August 06, 2023

Corporate social irresponsibility: The relationship between …

Cost of equity, Reputational risk, Corporate social responsibility

Becchetti et al. (2023)
July 25, 2023

“Crowd Contamination”? Spillover Effects in the Context of …

Corporate misconduct, Spillover, Allegation

Wecker, Brauer (2023)
June 21, 2023

The Stock and Option Market Response to Negative ESG News

ESG news, Implied volatility, Market reaction

Orpiszewski et al. (2023)
May 25, 2023

A Factor-Tilt Approach to ESG Investing

Keywords: ESG, Factor investing, Active tilts, Portfolio construction

Weibel, Iwata (2023)
April 14, 2023

Materiality Indications as a Double-Edged Sword: Real …

Keywords: SASB, Materiality, ESG incidents

Goettsche et al. (2023)
April 05, 2023

Selection bias in ESG controversies as a risk for …

Keywords: ESG scores, ESG incidents

Barkemeyer et al. (2023)
December 27, 2022

Global vs. Local ESG Ratings: Evidence from China

Keywords: ESG ratings, ESG risks, China

Chen et al. (2022)
December 20, 2022

Firms’ sustainability, financial performance, and …

Keywords: Reputational risk, Financial performance, EU regulatory policy, COVID-19

Agoraki et al. (2023)
November 28, 2022

ESG Shareholder Engagement and Downside Risk

Keywords: ESG, Shareholder activism, Downside risk, Corporate governance, Climate change

Hoepner et al. (2022)
October 04, 2022

ESG Controversies, ESG Disclosure and Analyst Forecast …

Keywords: ESG incidents, ESG disclosure, Forecast accuracy, Information asymmetry

Schiemann, Tietmeyer (2022)
September 20, 2022

Sell-Side Analysts' Assessment of Operational Risk: …

Keywords: Analysts, ESG incidents, Operational risks

Park et al. (2022)
August 13, 2022

Hidden in a group? Market reactions to multi-violator …

Keywords: Multi-violator disclosures, Corporate social irresponsibiliy, Stock market returns

Liu et al. (2022)
July 28, 2022

Why Bad News Can Be Good News: The Signaling Feedback …

Keywords: ESG incidents, Corporate social irresponsibility, Signaling theory

Fu (2022)
July 25, 2022

Altruism or Self-Interest? ESG and Participation in …

Keywords: ESG, Employee ownership, Employee satisfaction

Bonelli et al. (2022)
July 13, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine War and Climate Policy Expectations: …

Keywords: Climate transition risk, Energy, ESG, Event study, Inflation, Resilience, Russia-Ukraine war, Stock returns

Deng et al. (2022)
June 30, 2022

The Times Are They A-Changin'? Tracking Sovereign Wealth …

Keywords: Sovereign wealth funds, Sustainable development goals

Bortolotti et al. (2022)
June 24, 2022

ESG Issues and Career Prospects of Directors: Evidence from …

Keywords: RRI, Director Career Prospects, ESG

Colak et al. (2022)
June 14, 2022

Tilting the Wrong Firms? How Inflated ESG Ratings Negate …

Keywords: Cost of capital, Portfolio tilting, Socially responsible investing (SRI), Promised to realized sustainable performance

Bams, van der Kroft (2022)
June 01, 2022

The Business Impact of ESG Performance

Keywords: ESG incidents, RRI, Stock market returns

Moody's Analytics (2022)
June 01, 2022

Measuring Persistence in ESG Risk Management Culture

Keywords: ESG incidents, ESG risk management culture, Prediction of ESG incidents

Moody's Analytics (2022)
May 19, 2022

Firms’ ESG reputational risk and market longevity: A …

Keywords: Sustainability, ESG reputational risk, Longevity, Survival Analysis

Fafaliou et al. (2022)
April 15, 2022

Seeking Financial Performance by avoiding ESG Risks: …

Keywords: Sustainable Finance, ESG investing, ESG risk, Equities, Quantitative Investing

Martin, Pramov, and Huwyler (2022)
February 20, 2022

A stakeholder resource-based view of corporate social …

Keywords: Corporate social irresponsibility, Stakeholder salience, Shareholder returns

Harjoto et al. (2022)
January 28, 2022

ES Risks and Shareholder Voice

Keywords: Shareholder proposals, Voting, Mutual funds, Environmental, Social

He, Kahraman, and Lowry (2022)
January 25, 2022

Stock market reactions to adverse ESG disclosure via media …

Keywords: Reputational risk, Stock price

Wong, Zhang (2022)
November 30, 2021

The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World

Keywords: Sustainability reports, ESG reporting, Nonfinancial information, ESG incidents

Krueger et al. (2021)
October 13, 2021

Does Money Talk? Divestitures and Corporate Environmental …

Keywords:  Corporate social responsibility, Price Informativeness, Real effects of financial markets, Institutional investors, Sustainability, Corporate governance, Culture

Gantchev at al. (2021)
September 01, 2021

Is History Repeating Itself? The (Un)Predictable Past of …

Keywords: ESG ratings, ESG investment, CSR

Berg, Fabisik, and Sautner (2021)
August 11, 2021

ESG news, future cash flows, and firm value

Keywords: ESG, Sustainability, Expectations, Analyst forecasts, Valuation, Discount rate, Cost of capital, Cash flows

Derrien et al. (2021)
June 01, 2021

Do Responsible Investors Invest Responsibly?

Keywords: ESG, SRI, PRI, Socially responsible investing, Sustainability, Institutional investors, Greenwashing

Brandon et al. (2021)
May 02, 2021

The ESG Behaviors of Multinational Enterprises: An …

Salsbery (2021)
April 01, 2021

Long-term Sustainable Investment for Retirement

Keywords: ESG, Ethical investment, Socially responsible investment, Performance evaluation

Owadally et al. (2021)
February 10, 2021

Environmental, Social, and Governance Incidents and Bank …

Keywords: ESG incidents, Bank loan, Loan cost, Loan size

He et al. (2021)
November 18, 2020

Corporate social irresponsibility and portfolio …

Keywords: Corporate social irresponsibility, Developed markets, Emerging markets, Reputation risk, Portfolio approach

Harjoto et al. (2020)
June 24, 2020

When bad news hits good companies

Keywords: ESG, Equity, Quant strategy global

BofA Global Research (2020)
June 04, 2020

Does reputation risk matter? Evidence from cross-border …

Keywords: Corporate social irresponsibility, Cross-border acquisition premium, Reputation risk

Maung, Wilson, Yu (2020)
February 19, 2019

Auditor Response to Negative Media Coverage of Client …

Keywords: Negative media, ESG, RepRisk, Risk of material misstatement, Audit fees, Auditor resignation

Burke et al. (2019)
January 03, 2018

Is ESG Profitable? A Quantitative Study of ESG Impact on …

Bashta (2018)
August 25, 2017

Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Reputation Risk

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Reputational risk, ESG, Stakeholder theory, Multilevel models

Darnell (2017)
March 23, 2017

How Media Coverage of Corporate Social Irresponsibility …

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Media, Credit risk, Stakeholder theory, Attribution theory

Kölbel et al. (2017)
March 22, 2017

Firms, Breach of Norms, and Reputation Damage

Keywords: Corporate reputation, Corporate social responsibility, Reputational damage

Breitinger and Bonardi (2017)
November 09, 2016

Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality

Keywords: Sustainability, Corporate social responsibility, Investments, Corporate performance

Khan et al. (2016)
June 27, 2016

The Relationship between Sustainability Performance and …

Keywords: Disclosure quality, Sustainability performance, Legitimacy theory, Voluntary disclosure theory

Hummel and Schlick (2016)
April 22, 2015

Does Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Affect …

Keywords: Social Responsibility, Reputational Risk

RepRisk and CSRHub (2015)
June 30, 2014

Soft Law Violation and Liability

KeplerCheuvreux (2014)
September 22, 2012

ESG Alpha in China

Keywords: ESG investment, Chinese stock market, China A share, China non-A share

Barnetta et al. (2012)
September 15, 2012

ESG Performance of European Investment Funds

Keywords: ESG performance evaluation, RRI, Equity investment funds, SRI funds

AfU Investor Research and RepRisk (2012)
May 05, 2008

The effect of bad news on reputation and shareprice: An …

Keywords: CSR, Reputation, Impact of news, ESG investing, RRI, MSCI

Kölbel (2008)
“ESG investing can only be as good as the data that underpins it. I look forward to supporting RepRisk’s drive towards reliable and transparent ESG metrics."
Julian Kölbel
Head of Research
Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth at the University of Zurich

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